Some people could be a real jerk. The cyber world is becoming more and more outrageous. Being well beyond the bounds of good things and unrestrained in temperament or behavior. How can some people actually be like this. Alright this really disgusts me and I would never in my life entertain such nuisance. Girls are not meant to be taken advantage of.
The closest person actually could be a jerk behind you. But in front he/she could be as nice as a what ever u name it u got it. Just that you need to be smart and get sight of whats going on. Sometimes it marks the vivid impression made upon the mind by something strikingly wrong or erroneous is happening. You'll know when something goes wrong. What ever it is ''cheating'' upon one another is very nasty. This atrocious and infidelity act. . . who ever wants to experience it and get hurt? Why cant people be their real self to prevent all this.
Wearing a mask really pulls it off? Yeah right... just get lost. Not to say guys... girls as well could be such a slut. Now i've realise almost everyone is being sucha ass. When u ever want to do this to someone please think before doing it. If u do it just break with ur girlfriend or boyfriend and continue what ever nuisance you wanna continue. Whats that i've heard from friends...?''fuck buddy''?!, ''scandal''?, ''companion''? Is all bullshit ok! So what if u've done it before at least people do change for good reasons not because someone is forcing u.
This makes me think that I dont ever wanna get married. As I fear and I dont wanna be a victim. Sometimes people say all u need is to trust. But sometimes when u come to think of it, its bullshit. What if u trust that someone so much then he/she betrayed you? All I know is that one day the truth will be out. But when u wont ever know. Who could actually predicts? By that time people will be crying like a lapdog. Whats the point. So if u wanna be with someone treasure that someone before he/she is gone. This act is totally reprehensible and heinous. Just ditch and continue those despicable act.
The worst thing is that if two party whom u know are cheating on you is like the most abominable thing that could happen in ur life. Then the girl would act as if she dosent know. Like she had a conver with ur guy abt he having a bike and all. Then the next day she ask u so hows u n ur guy? have he got a bike yet? Trying to pull off a dramatic scene. Or another is she knows u are together with him but yet she still flrits with ur guy and say she likes him in the past before. Pea brains. Try letting ur bf know about this.
This is a very random post as I happened to come across uncountable people whom can be like so nerve wrecking. Almost all of my inbox from my friendster and facebook and what ever site are making me very doubtful about my life. But yea, ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY. I kinda believe in that. What I did with tha whole lot of people is.................
1. Scold them!
2. Ignore them!
3. Reply them!
Make a guess.