Saturday, December 22

Reds Hairdressing

Well, it had been pretty good for my first day of work. New faces new people. However, they are all much much more older than me! haa! One of them even got three children already. Overall, i think Elice was the sweeteast colleague (: Thanks for the Mac.

While working my two kor kors gave me shock. They surprised me at the saloon. After that they brought me to have a sushi feast. For my first day of work. Im the extra one again. If they told me earlier i comfirm force love to join us. There are some pics to upload. Upload it when im in love's place because my cable is faulty! arghs! Im extra because big kor was with his wife and kor was with his girlfriend.

After that he drove us to ikea. As steph jie wanted to buy jars for her cookies. They keep grumbling that the ice cream there was great and all. Haa.. But by the time we reached all tthe ice cream was out of stock. Disappointment on our faces. l0ls.
Last destination was HOME SWEET HOME.