Friday, January 4


Oh wells, i didnt work today because of some reasons. Shall not say only me and love knew about it. Haa! Work has been a hell of a roller coaster to me. Its not easy as you have to fiddle with things that you didnt do before. Its not like boutique where its easier to get things working. But im getting a hang of it though. I just have to get used to it. Anyway, steph jie was so sweet enough to bought me lunch today. Thank you n love u!

Its already JANUARY! oh my gosh time really passes by really fast. Its a NEW YEAR~ Happy new year! I know im really late to say all this. haa! (: I hope this year would be a better year. Any new year resolutions? Well, im not sure about it maybe to be stronger and start scolding vulgarities. l0ls! You know who desperately wants me to! haa! I miss my girlfriends. It hass been long.