Friday, July 11

im loving my life

Looking down I think boredom really makes people go out of their minds because the lingerie thingy was so so random. wahaha!

July 9,2008

Besides going gaga. She even test me chinese spelling which i totally suck in it. lol.
Its soso embarrassing yet she could laugh on and on. arghs. haa

July 4, 2008
First shot was errrrr. ghostly~

sweets dosent know how to make her mouth. LOUSY. hahaha

'thats right doc' hahaha

was suppose to be sexy but she kept laughing n laughing like a gongong. lol

July 5, 2008
Chilled at indochine and had our fav butterscotch and baileys(:

I love this girl of mine(:

Met toon korkor, marcus korkor and steph jie and dine at orchard hotel's tony roma.
darling was suppose to join us but he was shy.( act shy) lol.
So love met up with the rest first then later i joined them for movie.
Catch stranger and the movie was kinda sucky. Jerome's fault! haa

July 2, 2008
This lady is weird. She leaves her panda thingy at our booth.

When ever i look at her i feel like snoozing. wahaha
Dont know why she'll dress like that though.

July 3, 2008
My colleagues: Faizan, myself and audry<3>
She is jus like my mother.

July 4, 2008

After the event at mount faber we sat the cable car back to harbour front then cab back.
It was a fun event!

July 4,2008

This was the rehersal day. Isnt the ballroom beautiful?

The restrooms there were magnificient. Just look at the view.

June 29,2008

The girls had a great time washing the car. hahaha
and sher is so in love with her new cap.
im getting one soon as well yea(:

Thats one of my dream car... lol.

Anyway, I love vespui lingling <3>