Friday, August 24

Sometimes i think i should brawl my eyes out once and for all.
Thank god that things have happened in life be it good or bad and i find
myself getting stronger each day.(am i right?)
There is still so much things in life that i should learn.
Sometimes, in life its also about making decisions.
And stop being naive because the world mayb strange sometimes.
Someone may just stab u right from the back.

Single little things in daily life just makes you stronger each day.
You never know that one day u mayb wonder woman :D (ok lame!)
But i always hope for a better tommorrow.
Sometimes i find myself unbelievably stupid.
This stupidity in me always drives him mad.
Sometimes it is inevitable but just dislike it when things aint right.
u'll hav that acute ache somewhere.

Daddy say love makes you silly and it's true but without love, we're all empty creatures with stone cold hearts.

Shit happens all the time but to put it fairly, there's always peaks and setbacks in life.
(yeah i sound so right)

Daddy is a year older now.
I can see changes every now and then.
my heart aches when u aged.
I cant bear to see those changes cause i want my cheerful lil dad FOREVER.
Its all because i love u.
I hope u enjoyed ur meal at sakura.
Love didnt make it that day. (dad was kinda disappointed)
But the phonecall is worth it.

Overall, love is still all about u.( u know who u r?) (:
But it collides if the insecurity lingers.

Thunder has woken me up.
So here i am wrting this entry.