Monday, August 25

My first day

Oh well, im working for a British Company at gateway for two months. The view from the office is magnificient. Shall upload some pics during my free time yea. I have not receieve my previous pay. Its been delaying way too long already. ARGHS! How absurd could it get?!

I dont know if I could continue waking up so bloody early in the morning for like two months. As i've been waking up 3pm or 5pm this month. Going to the office now is a dreadful thing to me. But I know i've no choice as I know I should not let my days just pass by doing practically nothing.

Im like stoning now so I decided to blog. haa. Actually at this period of time I should be in bed snoozing away. I so feel like sleeping. Lingling says that he is watching tv now and will get back to slp later. I so feel like watching tv with him right now. The temptation~

Yesterday night something emotional happened.
Me: Ling im sorry about just now
Lingling: no its okay I should be the one being sorry. Sorry. (hugged)
Me: silence for a moment
Me: Can u not say like this (teary eyes)
Lingling: Wanna cry . . . .?
Me: Idiot! (we laughed)
Well his mr nice yesterday surprisingly! hahaha. ilu.

Sera and myself will be opening a blogshop. haa. Sounds fun I know. gee.